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2019 - 2021

Produced by

In colaboration with:
Associação Portuguesa de Gagos (Portuguese Association of Stutterers)

and the support of Direcção Geral das Artes, Antena 2, Fablab Porto e Aisca

What i did:

Composer / Producer / Actor

Stutter is a communication disorder in which the person knows exactly what wants to say, but the speech turns out not to be fluent.

The sound result derived from this disorder is deeply expressive and musical. QUEM FALA ASSIM/WHO SPEAKS LIKE THIS is a multidisciplinary project that joins two composers in collaborative work, instrumentalists and multimedia artists in a show about the sound and artistic potential of stutter. Besides the artistic creation/preoccupation, this project seeks to intervene in social reflection about stutter. Thus, public debate and training sessions are planned on the main impetus for this creative process: the stutterer communication limitations and their social consequences.

Considering the speech as a musical expression, with gesture, melody, rhythm and its own harmony, stutter is a parametric variation medium. If we add the fact that there are no two equal stutters, each one with its different pauses, repetitions and interjections, the possibilities palette is huge.

This show aims to enhance and salute human difference, through a narrative that addresses the origin of stutter, its constraints, prejudices, inhibitions and myths. 


WHO SPEAKS LIKE THIS aims to be a project artistically experimental
and eclectic of sociocultural intervention.


INTERFERÊNCIA  // production

JOSÉ TIAGO BAPTISTA e MANUEL BRÁSIO // composition  and artistic direction

JOSÉ SILVA // percussion
AFONSO BARROS //  video directing 

IVO ROMEU BASTOS // actors' direction

TIAGO CANDAL // sound technician
FILIPE FERNANDES // electronics
CLARA ARAÚJO // photography


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